Discovering Time

Part 4 - Epilogue

Episode Notes

Two more SHORT short stories that will tug at the old heart strings.  One is called "Finding a Cure:  #TypeNone; it comes from the mind and heart of @ThePitchingWedge, formerly known as the @BalancedWheel.  The other is called "Brotherhood of the Traveling Watch, which is the story of 6 watch fam friends and a specific watch that's making its way around the world.  

Special Favor:
My wife thinks I'm crazy for essentially giving away a book I spent nearly two years creating, especially when I still have hundreds of hard copies collecting dust in my garage. If you liked what you heard here and want to support me, I humbly ask the following:

1. Leave a warm review on The Discovering Time podcast

2. Buy a physical copy of my book on Amazon and maybe leave a nice review there as well.

Thank you!